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Massive’s Revamped "Hush" Tickles Heartstrings

In a theme reminiscent of P&G’s hit ad "Best Job", MassiveMusic New York was recently commissioned by P&G’s Pampers to revise the classic lullaby “Hush, Little Baby” to highlight the immaterial gifts a child can receive from its community before it’s even aware.

Massive’s new lyrics are sung in a hushed whisper, transforming the familiar tune and format with modern concepts. (Did anyone ever actually give kids mocking birds and diamond rings?)

However, instead of replacing each gift as the last one breaks, Massive spun it so gifts pile upon gifts as the song progresses, showcasing Pamper's message: we can all go above and beyond for children, whether we're parents, grandparents, pets, or even a busy stranger at the subway station.

“Because there is nothing we wouldn't do," sweetly sums up Massive's lyrics. Indeed.