Engage with the Future: Ad Music for Digital Natives Ad Trends & New TechStassy VelinovaFebruary 12, 2016advertising music, digital natives, engagement, Esurance, Flipagram, Huawei, Hulu, media, music streaming, Musical-ly, Netflix, Spotify, Super Bowl 50, Taylor Swift, teens, tweens, twentysomethings, youth Comments
Holiday Joy Delivered by MAM Family Cool Client ProjectsStassy VelinovaDecember 21, 2015Aspen, Christmas, commerical music, Donald Trump, holidays, Kaufland, Klaus Obermeyer, Macy's, skiing, Star Wars, Switzerland, The Wish Writer, winter, Yessian, ZürichComment
Finger Goes to Cuba and Gets Fancy Cool Client ProjectsStassy VelinovaNovember 20, 2015#RappedUp, bling, British Red Cross, Broken Social Scene, burns, Chris Phelps, Cuba, Dave Hodge, Fancy, febrile seizures, Finger Music, Firehorse, first aid, Glare McGrath, hip hop, Leah Siegel, Leisure Cruise, Mother, poison, rapped up, Red Cross, Rob Trono, TanquerayComment
YouTube Red: “Got Another $9.99?” Industry TrendsStassy VelinovaNovember 20, 2015Apple Music, broadcast, digital, Google Play, Google+, Hulu, music streaming, Netflix, Pandora, radio, RedTube, Spotify, streaming, TIDAL, YouTube, YouTube RedComment
COPILOT Delivers for 'Same Day Pups' Cool Client ProjectsStassy VelinovaNovember 11, 2015Ad Age, Come Take a Trip on My Airship, COPILOT, George Evans, Ghost Robot, Humane Society, Rokkan, Same Day Pups, Upworthy, Viral Video Chart Comments
Paddle for Lars MAM FamilyStassy VelinovaNovember 6, 2015#lovelars, Amsterdam, de Beer Foundation, Grolsch, Helly Hanson, Lars de Beer, mountain biking, Mountain Hardware, Paddle for Lars, paralysis, Patagonia, Starbucks, WFR, wilderness medicine, Wilderness Medicine Training Center, wildmedcenterComment
MAM Celebrates Halloween MAM FamilyStassy VelinovaOctober 30, 2015#TheDress, birthday, BuzzFeed, Donald Trump, Emoto, Halloween, Nan Wilson, Pico Sound, Ryan Elder, sexy ninja, sexy pirate, sexy pizza, sexy police officer, The Vapors, Turning Japanese, Yandy-comComment
PMC Gets Mo' Money Royalties & LicensingStassy VelinovaSeptember 30, 2015Directors Guild of AmericaAaron Davis, Adam Taylor, APM Music, ASCAP, exploration-io, Ivy Tomback, Litchfield Entertainment, Mo Money, Nan Wilson, PMC, Production Music Conference, Shawn Lemon, SoundCloud, SXSWComment