Here Comes the Boom: Media Metrics and Data Dashboards
beatdeck dashboard
There's been a lot of buzz in music this month about performance metrics and 'data dashboards', where users can track their media's performances and resulting social activity across multiple platforms.
As this race heats up, various players are jockeying to be the one-stop-shop for distilled performance data.
Twitter took a big leap forward last week in announcing it's new cross-platform TV metric service (still in development) that utilizes "video fingerprinting" (thanks to its acquisition of Bluefin Labs).
According to AdWeek, Twitter's new service will give digital marketers a 'data dashboard', where they can "see in real time when their spots air and what resulting tweet activity occurs about either the brand or TV show. ... Marketers can use the data to inform not only the timeliness of their Promoted Tweets but also the creative (i.e., copy, GIFs, Vine, etc.)."
Twitter added that there will be a separate 'TV Ads' dashboard, displaying when and where a brand's commercials are running on TV. The program won't require advertisers "to do any manual tracking or upload media plan details. Whenever a commercial airs during a TV show, Twitter not only determines where and when it ran, but can identify users on Twitter who tweeted about the program where the ad aired during that program. We believe a user engaged enough with a TV show to tweet about it very likely saw the commercials as well."
Taking the indie music angle, recently launched BeatDeck gives musicians the power (for free, vs. Next Big Sound's mostly paid service) to see where their original music is streaming and how its connecting with fans, right down to the second listeners skip through/past their track.
What's really innovative about BeatDeck's dashboard is that it displays analytics across the most number of platforms (SoundCloud, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), as well as stats on a track's fanbase (global trends, fans per social feed, overall 'influence' ratings, average number of seconds track is played/streamed).
Even print media folks -- namely the MPA -- met last week to start sorting out a standardized metric system for magazines viewed on tablets.
Clearly, all 'old media' streams are looking for a service that simplifies tracking their new media investments; can someone please tell them -- simply -- where their costumers are going online, what they're doing/saying/posting when they get there, and where they go when they leave? Big data metrics analyzed and distilled into a user-friendly, cloud-hosted Data Dashboard appears to be the rapidly developing answer.
Learn More About Twitter's TV Metrics @ AdWeek...
Learn More About Bluefin Lab's breakthrough tech @ AdWeek...
Learn More About Streaming Music Data Dashboards @ Hypebot...
Demo Streaming Music Data Dashboard @ BeatDeck...
Demo Streaming Music Data Dashboard @ Next Big Sound..
Learn More about MPA Meeting @ AdWeek...UPDATE (08/28/13): Twitter buys additional social media conversation tracker, Trendrr (AdAge)...