Harvest Every Quarter


Happenings in the Royalty Realm

Big Hearts (& Livers) Abound with MAM Fam

Right from the start, we knew Marmoset was a perfect fit with our MAM Family.

Sure, they're incredibly solid composers and musicians. They're proud Pacific Northerwesterners. And Co-Founder Ryan Wines recently gave a super compelling TEDx Talk on retaining talented creatives. (Hint: treat them to more than beer + ping pong.)

Then we found out their Music Licensing Gladiator, Kat Olsen, and our PR Manager, Ella Swift, once drove through the night together to Chicago with Daryl Hannah's mom riding shotgun. Turns out we were all family before we even knew it!

These folks are good, solid hard workers. (And at least one of them is a very safe driver.) Check out their work: it's about as big-hearted as it gets.

Speaking of big-hearted efforts, be sure to have a peek at MassiveMusic's fun radio campaign for Nature's Garden: perhaps we should be bragging about how 'big-livered' our MAM Fam is?

Ryan Wines' TEDx Talk

'The Golden Rule 2.0: Fostering A Healthy, Creative Culture'