Harvest Every Quarter


Happenings in the Royalty Realm

MIT and TuneSat Team Up for Super PAC App

MIT's Media Lab recently tapped TuneSat to see if the digital audio fingerprinting service could help them with a project: track mudslinging sound bites back to their political sources. Result: the Super PAC App.

"Using our technology, the app 'listens' to any ad on TV or online, instantly matches it against Super PAC App's massive database, and within seconds, you get a snapshot of exactly who is behind the ad, how much they've spent to date, and what claims they're making," says TuneSat. "Crazy, right?"

An interesting mix of political transparency and Big Brother, maybe, but 'crazy' definitely. Crazy cool. Especially for voters in swing states due for an earful of candy and lies from any direction. With the Super PAC App, they'll be source-check ready for the onslaught ahead of November 6th.

(Hmmm... wonder how Wrong Direction's anti-PAC music video 'Disclosure' rates on the Super PAC App. Better check...)

See/Get App @ Website...Learn More @ TuneSat...Learn More @ CNN...Learn More @ Fast Company...