Harvest Every Quarter


Happenings in the Royalty Realm

Oh, How Our MAM Garden Grows!

As much as we love digging deep into commercial music data, sometimes we need to sink our mitts into some rich, fragrant dirt. Which is why we started our MAM Garden last year here on Puget Sound's lush Vashon Island.

This is the second year for our garden, and it's growing bigger and better than ever. Besides the kale, chard and strawberries that have returned from last year, in March we added peas, carrots, Daikon radishes, and potatoes.

And while we're gardening, we sometimes have our most productive team strategy sessions.

"It is an incredible alternative to having boring meetings in an office," says account manager Kelli Nichols. "It creates camaraderie with our team, and we are being so productive in many ways at once.”

Fellow account manager Tonya Yoder couldn't agree more.

"The garden is where we put our hands in the soil and plant and nurture and weed and water and grow and harvest together," adds Tonya. "It is a landscape where our team and our intention in the world is realized in a hands-on metaphorical sense, as well."

Tonya jokes, "Plus, how can you not enjoy spending time together slinging poo and stuffing your face with fresh peas!"

Visiting the Seattle area? Hop on a ferry (just like in the current Geico ad) and come join us in the garden here on Vashon. Free sunshine, gardening tips, and fresh (poo-free) peas await!